Ric Nadel
Founder & CEO
Our Vision
Ice Air has always strived to offer superior products with superior service and superior value.
Products and relationships are the drivers of our success.
My goal is to create a positive experience for everyone here.
Our goal is to make doing business with Ice Air easy and simple.
Our Mission
At Ice Air, our mission is to provide innovative and sustainable solutions for indoor climate control.
We strive to exceed customer expectations through our dedication to quality, efficiency and environmental responsibility.
We are committed to continuously improving our products and service for our customers and the planet.
Our Values
Ice Air promises honesty and transparency, upholding the highest standards of business ethics by honoring the commitments we make. We say what we mean, and mean what we say.
We work to contribute to a more sustainable society by developing and promoting energy-saving products and systems.
Ice Air continuously refines its products, systems and services and sets new standards as a market leader. Our culture of innovation and continuous improvement drives us to solve today’s needs while constantly striving to anticipate future requirements.
Our customers, sub-contractors, service providers and the entire Ice Air family form the life blood of Ice Air: relationships. Business needs and concerns are and always will be in the forefront of how we work. The result is a harmonious balance between business, environmental and society’s goals.