Ice Air Rolls Out New Truck, New Look

Ice Air Rolls Out New Truck, New LookBob Cesiro, Ice Air Marketing Director, was asked about the motivation behind the surprising graphics on a new Ice-Air tractor-trailer that just hit the road. “Ice Air is unlike any other HVAC manufacturer. So, it’s time for the trucks to be different too,” he reasoned.

“It gets your attention, but importantly, it’s more descriptive about what we manufacture. The older trucks just have our name and logo.”

And that woman suspended in air? Cesiro explained, “That’s my interpretation of World Class Comfort, Ice Air’s long-standing brand tagline.  All that’s needed is an Ice Air unit, no bed, sofa or easy chair to feel like you’re floating on air.”

Ice Air has transformed into a leading HVAC innovator by advancing heat pump technology and meeting more specific requirements and demands of customers. Once a company that manufactured simple air conditioning cooling equipment, Ice Air now produces an array of energy-saving through-wall, all-climate, all electric solutions for heating, cooling, and hot water.

Cesiro also hopes to find the next Annie Leibovitz, Warhol, or Richard Avedon for future trucks, “I believe great artists and photographers will appreciate that our products provide clean energy, with up to 25% greater efficiency with zero emissions. And we would love to see how they would express World Class Comfort.” he added.